My main issue with the third season was Shane and his girlfriend. It was overblown and drawn out throughout the whole season and to make matters worse the writers probably realised this and tried to insert some plot in there. So we have her and Shane involved in the serious injury of the new guy on the strike team. Then, her mother shows up and tries to blackmail them. Neither of these plot-lines were given enough time to mature and develop, they just fell short and were generally unsatisfying. I wish the effect Shane having a girlfriend/partner would have on Vic was probed more deeply, instead of Vic simply making a catty and jealous comment every time it's called for.
Acevada had an interesting turn this season which, the arc is generated, didn't completely satisfy me - so I wait for season four in hopes that wasn't everything. I also feel the same about the controversial Dutch moment. However, that event was more of an afterthought than a game-changing plot-twist, as much as I would like it to be.
Overall, it was a good season, and my complaints with it were hard to pindown. Dutch's multi-episode hunt for a serial killer was great as well as his episodic stories with Claudia. I must also mention that I found Vic's domestic troubles this season a little dull, especially with the guy who is helping his autistic son. I feel like these scenes were rushed and there really weren't enough of them. A lot of these plots could have done with more detail - filled out better.
If you've seen previous seasons then you know that the show has a visual style that uses a lot of grain and 'bad' lighting that adds to the gritty and morally grey world the characters inhabit. The image is fine on DVD and I have no problems with it.
The Dolby 2.0 audio sounds tight and well-mixed. The source music tracks sound great and the dialogue is always audible. Yes, 5.1 would have been great, but considering it's limitations it sounds very good.
Special Features:
If you've seen the previous seasons then I would definitely Recommend you check this one out, as the show makes some bold moves to bring on the next season. I just feel the show didn't gain anything from the extended season, where it could have. There is some fantastic acting here too, which is sometimes overlooked when discussing The Shield, outside of the notable film actors who take guest arcs on later seasons. Jay Karnes and CCH Pounder really shine as Dutch and Claudette this season.
- Audio commentary by select cast and crew on various episodes
- Deleted scenes with optional commentary
- Behind-the-scenes documentary on the making of the season finale
If you've seen the previous seasons then I would definitely Recommend you check this one out, as the show makes some bold moves to bring on the next season. I just feel the show didn't gain anything from the extended season, where it could have. There is some fantastic acting here too, which is sometimes overlooked when discussing The Shield, outside of the notable film actors who take guest arcs on later seasons. Jay Karnes and CCH Pounder really shine as Dutch and Claudette this season.