Prison Break has switched it up again this season. From breaking out of prisons to break-in's of an Ocean's 11's style, they need to find six different bits of data in six different places this season - thanks to Homer's "The Oddyssey". Scylla was a six-headed monster and Odysseus had to sacrifice his team to defeat it. But Michael won't sacrifice his 'friends' - yeah, they are all friends now... except for Linc telling Mahone that after all this is over they will settle things - I guess they have to be friends to have a super-cool break-in gang, but it is lame, plot-driven, and doesn't respect the characters or the believability of the show (which is already dead to me).
The new characters are interesting, although there is our token straight-faced guy in a suit who kills people without hesitation again this season, actually, he kind of reminds me of Anton Chigurh on No Country For Old Men - only because they are both big, often calm, and deal out big hurts on people. The Asian nerd hacker guy Roland Glenn is annoying, he will probably just fuck things up for the brothers more than help them. His 'digital black hole' device has joined the ever-growing list of the little things of great importance. It apparently acquires any digital information within 10 feet, and Glenn built it himself. This device is how the group will get the six different bits of data. Naturally, I'm sure it will break, go missing, or get stolen at some point soon. Donald Self is by far the most interesting of all the new characters, many fans have been critical of his acting but I find his New York look and talk adds something special to the table, and he is also a little different a character than the previous newbies. The FBI handler is in charge of the Fox River "A-Team", and has provided them with the means to find the data to bring down the company. Self gives a warning threat straight out of the gate, "No games and no stunts: otherwise, I promise you, you’re gonna see a whole other side of me". Another interesting feature is his patriotism, “Some people still fight for this country. Maybe you’ve been too busy boosting car stereos and breaking heads to remember that.” This comment to Linc is interesting as he compares Linc's patriotism to his own. We know nothing of his back story or why he is so patriotic. I think Self can be trusted for the moment, but as soon as their goals change it is bound get messy.
I blame Brett Ratner for all of the funky quick-cut montage scenes in Prison Break. Nearly every time a strong feeling needs to be portrayed a quick-cut montage scene is quickly deployed, example: the aftereffects of Sara's torture and Michael's tattoo removal, not to mention his 'grieving process' last season in Sona. For those who didn't know, Brett Ratner directed the pilot episode and received an executive producer credit because of it, I blame every bad casting decision on him too - well, fuck it, I blame everything that is bad about Prison Break on Brett Ratner.
Michael was rubbing between his eyebrows much more than usual. When it was discovered that there were six separate sources for the information, and Michael performed the between-eyebrow-hold - I thought to myself; Scofers should really have had a panic attack or two by now. As it happens, blood drips from his nose in the next shot - not a panic attack; but far more interesting anyway. It's fun when you guess or think about things just before they happen - unless it isn't done subtly, which I think in this case it was, well, at least that is what I'm choosing to remember.
I'll be back for next weeks episode, but I can't guarantee I will stick around for the whole season, unless we have something better than 'Break-in of the Week'. On a positive note, it is better than Season 3.
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