Sunday 26 September 2010

Knots Landing - The Complete First Season - DVD Review

David Jacobs, the creator of Dallas pitched a show about suburban couples in California, inspired by Ingmar Bergman's Scenes from a Marriage (anybody who knows me knows I'm a huge fan of Bergman). The network told him they wanted something bigger and he made Dallas. Clearly he never forgot his original premise, because the network wanted a spin-off, and he devised it with underachieving, alcoholic, middle brother Gary Ewing (Ted Shackelford) reuniting with his high school sweetheart and bride, Valene Ewing (Joan Van Ark), and moving to California to start anew. Midway through Dallas' third season the episode "Return Engagement" served as a pilot or prequel to Knots. So if you wanna watch Knots but not Dallas, then check out this episode as it adds a little depth to the backstory - and speaking of backstory, that's something Knots was particularly interested in and may have been key to it's fourteen season reign.

The Ewing's new Californian home, a second-marriage gift from Dallas matriarch and Gary's adoring mother, Miss Ellie Ewing, is located in a tight little cul-de-sac, Seaview Circle. The residents of this cul-de-sac make up the rest of the cast and the tight setting, as you would expect, makes the place a boiler room for conflict. Gary was apparently Miss Ellie's favourite son. But really, who could blame her after having to live in the same house as her ego-driven, maniac sons J.R. and Bobby for so long. Gary, the quiet failure seems pretty appealing in contrast.

Now let's meet the ridiculously friendly and inviting neighbours (if this were really a Bergmanesque character-drama then the families wouldn't be close - I love it - but it's complete fantasy. I don't know the names of any of my neighbours and I have been living in the same cul-de-sac for nearly eight years). Sid and Karen Fairgate (played by talented Don Murray and Michele Lee) are the idealistic and 'perfect' family. They have three teenage children, Diana (Claudia Lonow, who went on to become a successful sitcom writer), Eric (Steve Shaw) and Michael (Patrick Petersen). A slightly younger thirty-something couple, Richard (John Pleshette, who's character's as close to a villain as the first season has) and Laura Avery (Constance McCashin). Richard is a smarmy lawyer who treats his wife like a lower life-form but he is humanised over the course of the first season and even more so in the second - while still retaining his strong flaws. This gives the series a level of character-depth that may have partly been lost if Richard turned out to be a J.R. clone, which is an idea the writers toyed with for a little, but thankfully discarded. To round off the cast there's the twenty-somethings Kenny (James Houghton) and Ginger (Kim Lankford) Ward.

What surprised me most about this set is how much I enjoyed it. I was expecting very dated television, restrained by standalone episodes (Dallas, Dynasty and Falcon Crest also started with only standalone episodes - they all had very humble beginnings...) and while it is these things, it's also very enjoyable and often well-written. Knots' strength lies in its willingness to be a character-driven series and the episodes that succeed in this set are just that.

Arguably the strongest episode from the first season is "The Lie", in which Laura Avery acts out against her restrained lifestyle and domineering husband. The subject of rape is brought up and more specifically, the perception of rape. This episode also has one of the best endings for a show of its time. Similarly to The Sopranos or Mad Men, the symbolic final scene intelligently sums up the themes of the episode and asks the viewer to analyse what they've seen.

"Land of the Free" holds the honour of being the worst episode on the set. Entertaining in it's own right, the terrorising bikers episode attempts to be relevant (apparently this was a problem in California at the time) but comes off campy and exploitative. Basing an episode around something as strange as terrorising bikers will always be awkward, particularly because there's no subtext to the plot. Predictably, the cul-de-sac bands together against this external force, like they will again in variations on the episode later down the track. The essential and underlying misstep of the episode is that the premise of the show isn't about wild external forces, it's about complex, ordinary people dealing with themselves and the people who's lives intersect with their own. The second episode "Community Spirit", where J.R. from Dallas crosses over, suffers the same problem. As entertaining it was to see J.R. on Knots, he is far too cartoonish a character for the show and this highlights the very striking differences between Dallas and Knots

Apart from these two, the episodes range from decent standalone episodes - but perhaps too understated - to very moving and dense standalone episodes. It's about half and half - very admirable for a first season of a spin-off, and even more-so considering the show didn't find it's long-standing identity as a soap-opera/realistic drama meld until season 3 or 4.

This release is a five dual-layer disc set of 601 minutes. The artwork on the inside of the case has a list of the episodes on each disc with brief summaries on every episode. English and German subtitles and the same enhanced subtitles for the hearing impaired.


The 1.33:1full-screen image is kept to preserve the original look of the show and while there are minor problems with the transfer, they may just be source problems due to the shows age. The show does look quite good considering - and keep in mind that some of the later Dallas and Dynasty seasons had sub-par DVD transfers.


Dolby Digital 2.0. I'm not sure how much effort was put into cleaning up the audio but it's adequate.


Special Features:

  • Commentary on 2 key episodes by Joan Van Ark and Ted Shackelford
  • Gary and Val: Together Again. The stars reminisce.
The commentaries are interesting because the show and the people clearly meant a lot to these two. The show was on the air for such a long time that there is a rich history to the behind-the-scenes of the show.

The reunion between Joan and Ted is good to watch (especially for fans of Gary and Val), but only if you've seen the entire show as there are clips from pivotal moments while the characters are discussed.

A surprisingly good first season, giving the longer second season a lot to build from. Starting season 2, Donna Mills moves into the cul-de-sac and many people credit her with spicing the show up as husband-stealing vixen, Abby Cunningham. I'm interested to see how and when the tonal and stylistic shifts in the show come about - bring on seasons 2 to 14.

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Sons of Anarchy - S03E01 - So

Yes, I've been extremely lazy when it's come to episodic reviews this year. I've neglected both Louie and Mad Men, which if you weren't aware, had incredible seasons. With eight billion new and returning shows beginning their seasons over the next couple of months, I feel I should get back into weekly blogging mode. Without further ado, the visceral and emotional season opener of Sons of Anarchy season three.

Spoilers follow.

With a season opening montage reminiscent of the 'It Was A Very Good Year' montage from the start of the second season of The Sopranos, we see what the characters have on their minds. Jax is stewing in depression after the kidnapping of his son, Abel. Tara looks to her bloodstained floor where young Half-Sack was stabbed, protecting her. Gemma is getting antsy while held up in a flat on Clay's orders to keep her safe and out of sight. This directly clashes with her character, which is that of a fiercely loyal mother to the club, and a woman who can take care of herself.

This episode was surprisingly character-driven for the show, with the bulk of the episode being about and meditating on the characters circumstances - as opposed to throwing them into new plots. Gemma, however, starts a journey - after she convinces Tig to let her go, by letting him accompany her - by visiting her father (Hal Holbrook), whose mental health is declining. This new story is still an extension of Gemma's current situation. Now that she's without the club, who is she? What was her old life and how does it relate to her current one? I commend Sutter for taking this route - however it plays out, it was an organic plotting move.

Meanwhile, Jax pushes Tara away, in part due to his current depressive mindset and in part because he still thinks the life is too dangerous for her. There are a couple of very well written and acted scenes here as the couple fight and then have a moment of clarity. In my opinion, Tara's already too far into the club to leave now - despite what Jax wants to believe. No doubt Gemma is to thank for her more brash disposition.

The other side of the manipulator coin is Clay, who tries to push Jax out of his hollow misery by giving words to him several times throughout the episode. The thing is, we know Clay pretty well now, and yes, this is about getting Abel back, but Clay wants Jax to be the kind of leader he himself is, when he's too old to sustain the position. It's a subtle move from Clay, with a result that I doubt even he expected.

Jacob Hale Jr. is going to be another problem for the Sons this season as he runs for mayor against Oswald, who the Sons count on for support. The guy seems very dodgy, and I'm sure he will stop at nothing to get the support of the town.

I wonder how long these stories can sustain themselves - Do you think Gemma going to be away for the bulk of the season - to keep her in the dark about Abel's kidnapping? And what about Jax and the crew, will they spend the whole season looking for Abel? It's such an all-consuming plot, that if it's drawn out until the end of season there won't have been room for anything else - not that I'm necessarily against that - if done well, a whole season revenge story could be amazing. On this route, a nice mid-game plan would be to let Gemma in on it around episode six or seven and have her flip the lid. Because of the kidnapping, and because she wasn't told about it.

The most foretelling sequence in the episode was the last, which pushes the plot forward immensely. It was also one of the best scenes the show has done with skilled direction and editing. When Jacob walked partly off the scene before the van arrived, was that the writer's telegraph that he may have something to do with his brother's death - probably. Although the shock on his face when saw the caved-in head seemed genuine - it still doesn't excuse him yet.

Hunman delivered, in my opinion, his best performance as Jax in this episode. He really steps it up whenever he's called on for 'intense' and the final scene of him smashing a stray van shooter tells us he's finally found a different channel for his grief. I'm sure this makes Clay happy, and now we'll get to see more struggle about what kind of man Jax wants to be as he adapts angry, revenge mode. He'll have to do that while not playing into the hands of Clay. I know I'm being hard on Clay, but the MC will always be his first priority.

Was awesome seeing Kenny Johnson (The Shield) back as Kozik, and it sounds like he wants to stay in Charming. I wonder what Tig's beef with him is...

Paula Malcomson was another good casting choice and I'm intrigued as to what her role will pertain. She's doing an eight episode stint, so perhaps that's how long the 'finding Abel' story lasts, or maybe her role expands beyond that and Abel has many handlers over the season.

Sunday 18 July 2010

Cyderdelic - The Complete Series

Smash up the government, big style!

Relentlessly bold character-performer, Marc Wootton, makes his first mark on television comedy in 2002 with Cyderdelic, a little-known but fresh piece of comedy that has still yet to be released on DVD in Australia and the U.S. As stated by narrator John Peel in the show's opening titles, Cyderdelic are a direct-action group and dance collective within the growing anti-capitalist movement. Leader Su Long (Marc Wootton) is a new-age eco-warrior with an anarchic agenda. Lifelong friend and fellow activist Beetle Smith (Barry Castagnola) is a veteran of the south-west free party scene. Little is known about Frogger (Liam Woodman) who is named for his legendary traffic-dodging skills.

The show is a mockumentary in a similar style to that of Da Ali G Show. Wootton, Castagnola and Woodman portray fictional characters that interact with real-life folk unaware the characters aren't real people. However, the odd scene does seem scripted. The series, as well as Ali G, works best when it makes sly jokes at the expense of real-life interviewees through the characters. Cyderdelic makes the main characters the joke in the majority of scenes though. It's great, but another whole layer is added when you get a real-life person to expose a flaw in their thinking or push a question on them that they aren't comfortable answering. So lets say Cyderdelic is more a satirical look at new-age hippies. The hippies that rebel against the government by taking pills and listening to shitty techno music. To make comedy out of hippie culture the characters are quite exaggerated, but I'm sure there are many just like these guys. They have very little understanding of capitalism to be anti-capitalism, highlighted by their hilarious philosophy "overthrow capitalism and replace it with something nicer". I actually found a facebook group with that title - and it was completely straight-faced! These people must really exist. Beetle especially contradicts his so-called beliefs several times an episode. It really feels like he has no understanding or interest in politics and everything is an excuse to be loud and obnoxious. At least Su believes in the cause, he just has no idea what it really is.

Cyderdelic is very, very light on plot, sometimes to its detriment . Each episode revolves on a single event like a music/folk festival or an issue the group tackle; for example, the group protest outside a Burger King, are asked to leave by police, then open their own 'su-per veggie burgers' restaurant- which offers very little as an alternative to somewhere like Burger King. The place is dirty and unhygienic with terrible customer-service and to top it all off, there's a tiny fenced off area in the shop with farm animals in it. The subtle joke is that Cyderdelic are undertaking this as a reaction to animal cruelty, but keeping animals in a minuscule area for people to look is a form of animal cruelty. These kind of ironic jokes litter the whole series, as I previously said, the joke is usually always on Cyderdelic.

Unfortunately the episodes become quite repetitive if you watch more than one at a time, which is never usually an issue for me. Another criticism would be that the show has no real character or plot development. Any character conflict is neatly resolved in the same episode and there are no plot-threads that span more than one episode. I know what you're thinking; what is this guy bitching about, there are plenty of shows that work with only stand-alone episodes - and yeah, that's true... However, the characters really lend to internal conflict and there was huge potential to to tell a story over the seven episodes; alongside all the hilarious situations with the characters interacting with various members of the public.

Part of the reason the show isn't widely known can probably be attributed to a few incidents. The show got in some hot water for showing the cross covered in shit during an episode. Also, Marc Wootton was interviewed on Jonathan Ross and went as Shirley Ghostman, apparently offending a lot of people - stupid, stupid people, who obviously didn't get the joke. I hear Cyderdelic is never repeated on television either.

Amazon have a very affordable U.K. Region 2 DVD of Cyderdelic available to buy. Buy this or obtain it by other means. I think the show just needs more exposure and that there is a bigger audience for this show, they just don't know about it yet.

Cyderdelic is refreshingly original and those who love the mockumentary format should check it out. It is an important step in the movement and a precursor to other shows by Marc Wootton - in fact, it's his very first show. I will be reviewing each one of his shows in chronological order. Following from Cyderdelic are My New Best Friend, High Spirits with Shirley Ghostman, and his most recent, La La Land. I hope this review will let a few more people in on the series and eventually we can have a Region 1 and 4 DVD release. La La Land is being released on DVD everywhere in the coming months, so if it sells well, we'll see...

Monday 28 June 2010

The Sheild - The Complete Fifth Season - DVD Review

In what is widely regarded as The Shield's best season, the show now works at it's very peak, building on what came before and making good on the promise of repercussion. On that note, why I think The Shield tends to be so highly regarded relates back to how the actions of Vic and the Strike Team have ripple effects. The series does have a strong procedural element, which is fine, but many fans place it among The Sopranos and The Wire and I finally realise why - even though I'm not sure if I myself would place it that highly, so far, anyway. It's the really intense shit that just builds and builds until it finally breaks. I also feel like maybe I understand Sons of Anarchy a little more after my Shield revelation. The shows work in the same way, much like, to give you some perspective, The Sopranos and Mad Men or Thirtysomething and My So-Called Life. I could have used comparisons that share the very same auteur-vision, but these examples are more helpful as they're about writers who aren't the key creative vision on a show, but who later create a show of their own that shares not superficial traits, but ones relating to tone, aesthetic, theme and style, with that of their old show. Both shows work on the idea of a group of folks that find themselves under threat while also trying to find their way out of whatever clusterfuck they've got themselves into. I didn't get the problem/solution thing in the first season of Sons, but now I think I do. After that long-winded and semi-off-topic rant, I'd like to formally welcome you to my review of The Shield season five.

After Monica Rawling's (Glenn Close) effective, but let's face it, essentially fruitless stint as captain drew to a close and gang leader, Antwon Mitchell (Anthony Anderson) gets thrown in prison, things started to look up for Vic and the team - not great, but there was a stability that they've been a stranger to lately. That gets shaken up very quickly when Jon Kavanaugh (Forrest Whitaker) shows up as an Internal Affairs agent tasked with the job of finding out the truth behind Terry Crowley's murder. That's really all the exposition you need as this story is the driving force of the season.

I won't go too deeply into the plot of the season, because, like last season it builds to a climax that really needs to be experienced. That said, there are many twists and turns not unlike last season. I keep comparing this season to the last and I'll talk a little about that. For my money, seasons four and five are the best of the show so far (I have yet to see six and seven). Season four had killer guest stars and an intense plot that combined bits of past events with truly shocking and suspenseful plot-developments. It was the best season the show could have done at that point. After doing that, Shawn Ryan and his writers smartly re-evaluated the show, knowing that it was an excellent season and that trying to repeat it would be a backwards step. They looked back to the pilot and devised a five-act tragedy, ala Shakespeare, combining the inciting incident in the pilot, the money train, Shane getting into bed with Antwon, and what each member of the strike team represented to the team on a whole. This reinvigorated the show and determined the rest of the series.

Unlike earlier seasons, the sub-plots running along Kavanaugh vs Strike Team are much weaker than the main story. Julian dealing with new recruit Tina's incompetency was neither inspiring or compelling. Then she was shuffled over to Dutch where he assists her in a matter of sexual harassment in the workplace. There are a few good Dutch moments to be had, but overall the story just didn't click with me. I hope Tina has a more solid arc in season six so this wasn't all for nothing.

The rift between Dutch and Claudette was the most involving of the supporting plots, half due to the strong performances from Jay Karnes and CCH Pounder and half owed to the backbone that's been created over the course of the series, having these two characters together in the majority of the episodes. The execution left a little to be desired, as I retread an old criticism, because the plot wasn't given enough screen time. Last time I made the criticism I noted that a supporting plot lacked weight as well as screen time - well, now it's just screen time.

Anyway, this season is really about Kavanaugh and the past actions of Vic and the Strike Team, and this is where its strength lies. Whitaker turns an exceptional performance as Kavanaugh, and you can really see him enjoying his craft. He has this very jazzy acting style which is complimented by a large dose of vigorous intensity.

The set houses 4 single-sided, dual-layer discs and clocks in at 524 minutes. There are english subtitles as well as descriptive English captions for the hearing impaired.


In keeping with the previous releases, the video is 1:78:1 Anamorphic Widescreen. I watched it up-scaled on my HD television and Blu-Ray player and the transfer looked fantastic. Obviously there are flaws, but they're from the source footage and not the transfer.


Dolby Digital 2.0. Lacks the complexity of 5.1, but perfectly fine nonetheless.

Special Features:
  • Audio commentary on every episode
  • Deleted scenes with optional commentary
  • 'Delivering the Baby' - a special feature-length behind-the-scenes making of episode 65
  • 5 additional behind-the-scenes featurettes
  • 'Wins and Losses' - a 'promosode' prequel to season 6
These Shield releases have always stepped it up when it came to extras and this set is no exception - in fact, it might be the best. While some of the featurettes have a little too much of the obligatory wanking of the show and the actors, they are still very interesting and absolutely worth a watch. 'Delivering the Baby' in particular is occasionally moving and offers insight into how the actors feel about working on the show. There are also good interviews with key creative staff. The promosode/webisode is an excellent addition to the extras and bridges the gap between seasons five and six well. Obviously it's not required viewing, but if you're a fan then you'd be missing out.

I don't want to spoil any developments of the arc, but I assure you it's very satisfying. The re-watch value of this season is perhaps a little less than the previous ones - but its still probably the best season yet. If you're a fan of good television drama, then you owe it to yourself to check out this very engaging season of television. If you've never seen the show then catch the earlier seasons because it's worth it.

Saturday 19 June 2010

Caprica - S01E09 - End of Line

Although "Caprica" has had it's fair share of problems, I'm proud to announce that this episode along with the previous episode "Ghosts in the Machine", are in my opinion, two of the strongest episodes yet. That's not to say the show has completely found it's groove yet.

Spoilers ahead.

The flash forward teaser device used in "End of Line" was problematic for me. Firstly, Battlestar absolutely butchered it by featuring it in like... seventy-three of their teasers, usually just for adding an element of suspense and mystery to episodes that apparently didn't have enough. I just felt there was so much going on in this episode, that the convergence of a few of the plots into a huge cliffhanger would have been better without the Robot Zoe escaping flash forward. It just felt a little redundant. That's one of my only criticisms in a great episode.

The show seems to be finding itself by raising stakes and upping the emotional content of the show. The scattered plot-threads seem to be going somewhere now instead of just floating around. I had a much larger tolerance to this than a lot of other viewers. I can see what the show is trying to pull off, and I admire the writers for creating a highly ambitious show with a huge cast and an attempt at a filmic visual style. Some of the editing and visuals are shaky, like Zoe's life flashing before her eyes just before she pummels into a police road block. The memory flashes before that were emotional, but it just got silly at the end. Perhaps it was a good idea, but it just didn't look or feel right. Anyway, I feel like their vision is finally coming to fruition, and I love the idea that a sci-fi television show doesn't have to be formulaic or action-driven. I love that it can be a huge prime-time soap opera reminiscent of those from the 80's such as Dallas as well as a having deeply flawed characters and exploring larger themes. There is no pressure on the writers to have characters that are genuinely good and don't do bad things. Sister Clarice is an unlikeable character who does bad things and who seems to be featured a great deal in the series. Which says a lot, considering the massive cast. However, I still don't see her as a villain - nor any other of the characters. It's just a massive shade of grey.

Joseph Adama's quest actually seemed to be heading in the right direction this episode. However, the whole story was wasted by the absurd reveal of his secretary/assistant playing his guide in New Cap City. I didn't even mind the slow and paper-thin execution of the plot, but this mid-way 'twist' really pissed me off. Just when I thought the story was picking up steam... In a futuristic society a father loses his daughter and then tries to find her avatar in a highly immersive and technologically advanced MMORPG. Does this story really sounds like it needs an obsessed secretary in it? I wonder if the rest of this story will play out in V-World or the real world? Is this it for Joseph and Tamara? I really hope they sweep the secretary under the rug and fix this story about a father looking for his daughter. What would suck is if Tamara began to have scenes by herself in V-World. Part of what held my interest was the fact that we didn't see her very often. It helped us feel Joseph's confusion and loss and kept her true situation a mystery.

The writers sped up the pacing on the Amanda's erratic behaviour which has been evident since the pilot. This was presumably to to ramp up the stakes and drama for the mid-season finale. I just wish her arc leading up to this was planned out with more care. I appreciate that the story connected with Daniel's morally bankrupt business decision but I can't help but feel it may have hit harder if the plot progressed with the series, as opposed to the last two episodes. Amanda finding out about Daniel's involvement in theft and murder was only the thing that pushed her over the edge - understandably so, as her only friend, who is a religious, fundamentalist terrorist is just using her to access Daniel's technology, just happens to be going out of town when Amanda actually needs her. That, along with completely losing the emotional safety she believed she had with Daniel was the catalyst for her attempted suicide. Aside from losing her daughter she feels she barely knew, she has hallucinations of her deceased brother. Amanda was in the car with her brother when they were in a car crash, and that after he died, Amanda was admitted to a psychiatric hospital. Her hallucinations consist of her brother appearing and then beckoning to her, before walking off. She tries to catch up to him but never does. This is a classic dream trope, however the scenes obviously aren't dreams, so I hope there isn't a supernatural explanation. I have a feeling it will be explained through some pseudo-scientific theory relating to Daniel's technology. That seems like a strong possibility at this point - unless Amanda is really insane. And it's an idea that could possibly tie-in to the rest of the show, so, we'll see... But I firmly believe Amanda isn't dead and that she will probably be admitted again and we'll see her at a very low-point as she comes to grips with her past and present.

One of the more shocking events in the episode was Robot Zoey killing Philomon while escaping from the lab. If I ever had reservations about the show being truly dark for sci-fi television, they are now gone. Philomon is a good character who genuinely feels out of place among the rest of the scumbag cast. This was purposeful so as to make his death seem that much more tragic. It's hammered home when Daniel's reaction to his close colleague's death in his own lab, caused by his own technology, is a mere "Poor kid". I love how "Caprica" doesn't attend to the television convention that all lead characters have to care about each other as much as they do about themselves.

Barnabas Greeley played by James Marsters (Spike from "Buffy" and "Angel") is the closest thing "Caprica" has to a real villain so far. He's a manipulative terrorist who plans to blow up Sister Clarice and tricks Lacy into helping him. Hopefully now she realises her naivety, even though, she's done the deed and is now well under Barnabas' thumb. Of course, his plan fails as fate would have it, when Clarice exits her car during a traffic jam because she can see Amanda standing on the edge of a huge bridge. The bomb goes off, and I suppose we assume Nestor is dead. I'm not sure why the character was killed off, as he didn't yet get a chance to do anything on the show. Which is a shame because Scott Porter turned an outstanding performance on "Friday Night Lights". Here's hoping Nestor makes it out alive but paralyzed, and in a wheel chair.

I like how the traffic jam was probably caused by Robot Zoe's escape and that Sister Clarice was saved due to Amanda's attempted suicide. The attempt to link these for a big operatic cliffhanger was somewhat effective. The fact that the show still doesn't really have a rhythm is problematic, but it's also part of it's charm. To have a huge cast with plenty of stories running parallel like an old school soap-opera is awesome, and then to attempt to converge them is even cooler. But I'm not quite sure it works yet, and I really hope it does because I know there's a very good show in "Caprica".

What did you guys think? Thoughts? Predictions?

Wednesday 9 June 2010

Aqua Teen Hunger Force Volume One - DVD Review

Adult Swim takes a lot of crap from audiences and critics who label the network a stoner channel, or as having shows consisting entirely of randomness. One of Adult Swim's signature shows that premiered in 2000, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, pretty much backs up that notion. The idea of a stoner network or show isn't helpful for reviewing or analysing the show - but the idea of randomness is. The show is made completely from absurdity and every single aspect of the show highlights that fact. If it weren't for the adult content, then the show could easily be comparable to the 90's heyday of intelligent kids animation on Nickelodeon that were brimming with imaginative absurdity and surrealism. Of particular absurdity are the opening theme song's genre and lyrics (rap), and the fact that the main characters are fast food items and the plots that never follow-through and always go off on some unexpected tangent. The dialogue is underwritten and full of non sequiturs - I guess you could say the same for the plot. The real point of the show - if I try to put myself in the head of the writers - is the interaction between the main characters. We have an arrogant, self-centered and self-appointed leader named Master Shake, who is a milkshake. Frylock, a packet of french fries you would buy from McDonald's, and the brain of the group, can also shoot lightening bolts from his eyes. Then there's Meatwad, a kind of meatball who's childlike, dumb and probably the most likable of the group. He can also transform into different shapes due to the fact he's a meatball - not that it has any practical use whatsoever. Each episode starts with a cold open showing incompetent big bad Dr. Weird unleashing a monster-of-the-week to wreak havoc on the world. His plans are always ridiculous and never seem to cause any damage, even the equally incompetent trio of crime-fighters manage to stop them in some roundabout fashion. After a while, the writers shake the Dr. Weird 'formula' up. Though, it's hard to call it a formula, because it never informs the story whatsoever - so, you know, whatever. The cold opens just become platforms for absurd or non sequitur jokes - this makes the opening sequences even weirder and strangely pointless, like everything else in the show. But, I think the show becomes funnier when you think about the pointlessness or stupidity of it - I have a feeling that is the point.

Oh, yeah, and there's Carl. The angry, balding, over-weight and middle-aged neighbour of the group. The boys are constantly trespassing into his backyard to use his pool, and he often unwillingly finds a way into in the middle of whatever hair-brained adventure the food items have themselves in.


Escape from Leprauchpolis
Bus of the Undead
Mayhem of the Mooninites
Space Conflict from Beyond Pluto
Ol' Drippy
Revenge of the Mooninites
MC Pee Pants
Dumber Dolls
Bad Replicant
Love Mummy
Dumber Days

As you might have guessed, these 'volume' releases tend to get a little messy as far as seasons are concerned. The first 16 episodes are on this set, with two episodes remaining in the first season that are found on the Volume Two release. The two disc set clocks in at 187 minutes and is practically identical in both Region 1 and Region 4 formats.


1.33:1 Fullscreen. DVD can perfectly handle the lo-fi animation presented - no problems whatsoever.


The audio is Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo and sounds crisp. Apparently later releases are in 5.1 which is a bonus for fans. So many more popular shows only ever get 2.0 audio releases.


Special Features:

  • The original cut of the first episode "Rabbot"
  • Episode commentaries on the two episodes in bold
  • Deleted scenes

It's as if the show is written from initial feeling and instinct rather than well-thought out draft after draft. That's not to say that I think the writers are geniuses, just that I suspect they take a laid back approach to writing the show. Aqua Teen definitely falls into the Sealab/Space Ghost side of Adult Swim, as opposed to the Tim & Eric and Xavier: Renegade Angel side. If you're unsure about the show and have seen any of those, then I hope it would give you an idea of what kind of comedy you're in for. However, like a lot of Adult Swim, the show has to be seen to be believed, and no review could really do it proper justice. I will note that a rule the show seems to abide by is that nothing will play out the way you expect it to - plot or joke. I think I've said all I really can without getting into stuff that just won't make sense to somebody who's never seen the show - except that I love the Mooninites. Perhaps my opinion will be stronger and more articular after I check out the next volume... Now all that's left for you to do is watch the show.

Saturday 1 May 2010

Rescue Me - The Complete Second Season - DVD Review

After an odd yet compelling first season, FX returns with a second season of the testosterone-driven, post-911 firefighter drama. Though many agree this season is arguably stronger than the first, I was still left with the same strange aftertaste on the closing of nearly every episode. The writing was a little tighter but the show was still a big mess. My girlfriend told me that might be the point. Hey, maybe she's right.

Let's get the formalities out of the way. Tommy's actions catch up to him as his ex-wife skips town with the kids and his alcoholism lands him demoted to Staten Island after he puts a fellow firefighter in serious danger. He knocks up his dead cousin's wife. Oh, and he's hit the bottle again. Chief Reilly is still dealing with his wife's deteriorating mental state. It's another round of doom for the boys of Rescue Me - but again, with very little of the gloom. This leads me to my next topic.

The black comedy on Rescue Me is the main reason the show sometimes rubs me the wrong way. I'm all for it - and I love the stuff - but when the show goes from making laughs about something tragic to having the most overwrought dramatic moments and ending montages - I'm left a little confused. Let me assure you, this isn't my inability to 'get' the show or deal with a show of this nature - I'm extremely open-minded and can enjoy anything when I understand what the appeal is. It just feels so messy to me, like the show can't work out what it wants to be. Some of the comic situations and dialogue fall flat, while others work fantastically. Part of why all of this this may not work for me is we never get to the see the characters grounded, they are either in a firehouse lunchroom sitcom or an outlandish multi-episode plot. As I make these criticisms, I try to imagine what Tolan and Leary are going for. As per cable drama, all of the characters are hopelessly tortured and unfairly treated by the television gods - their one rule is that regular characters must be constantly punished. These tough men seem to be emasculated at every corner. If you look at nearly every plot-thread, you can see that it usually ends badly for the man, in general, and in the way his masculinity has been completely stripped. On a thematic level, Tolan and Leary could have this in mind. I have finally come to a more concrete criticism after all of this discussion. After every bleak conclusion to every plot and subplot, the character is basically left to hang in limbo until the next outlandish plot-thread begins. Perhaps I yearn for the show to be more delicate, restrained, and thoughtful with its characterisations, and in turn, that would allow me to feel the pain those ending montages so unforgivingly dish out.

On a more positive note, Chief Reilly's arc with his wife's deteriorating mental health was well-plotted and followed through to a satisfying conclusion. As was, to a lesser extent, the smaller plot dealing with him and his homosexual son. The comedic notes were pitch perfect, and the drama from Reilly's angst about his son's sexual preference was very well-played, the two arcs running alongside each other for some of the season was a smart plotting move, and allowed for a great deal of emotional resonance. Half the credit is due to Jack McGee who plays Chief Reilly - his naturalism and ability to slip right into the role must be commended. He delivered the best performance this season and the fact that he used to be a firefighter is just icing on the cake.


1:78:1 Anamorphic Widescreen. No transfer issues I could see.


We were lucky enough to get this release in Dolby 5.1, which, when you think about how much dialogue comes from all over the place in this show, it was pretty much essential.


Special Features:

  • Deleted scenes
  • Blooper Reel
  • 6 behind-the-scenes features on the making of the series cover shooting in New York, life on the set, a second season wrap, conversations with the real FDNY and more!
  • Sneak peek at Season three
No audio commentary which is a bit of a bummer, and as with a lot of deleted scenes, you can see why they were cut. On the plus side the behind the scene features are very insightful and entertaining to watch. The sneak peek at Season three is a montage of scenes from season two - so as you can probably guess, it's completely worthless.

The season was frantic, crazy, weird, and occasionally moving. My problems with the show still remain, but if you're already a fan, then this is a slightly stronger outing than the first season. If your not, then go back and check the first as this is a heavily-serialized show. For me, the third season awaits, and I'm interested to see where this train wreck (I don't if I mean that in a good sense or bad) takes me. Will the show find its footing on solid ground or just keep leaping into oblivion?

Thursday 15 April 2010

The Shield - The Complete Fourth Season - DVD Review

Everybody steps it up a notch for The Shield's fourth season which has stronger direction than previous entries and is more satisfying than any other season before it, other than maybe season two. A large contributing factor to this is are the two new big players added; Glenn Close as Monica Rawling, the Barn's new captain, and Anthony Anderson as manipulative drug-lord Antwon Mitchell. Both of these actors bring their all, and in the case of Anthony Anderson it's a very pleasant surprise to discover his exceptional dramatic acting chops.

With Acevada taking a city council position Monica Rawling (Glenn Close, Damages, a role procured for her after her TV stint on The Shield) takes over as captain with a very different approach to David. She wants to implement a seizure plan that takes drugs and drug-bought items and places the money from them into an increased budget for The Barn and also funnel some of it through to the fledgling community. She's happy to please and as a first order of business fixes the male toilets at the Barn which is met with admiration. After the disintegration of the Strike Team Vic finds himself with no other option but to play it straight and get in the new captain's good graces. Surprisingly, he does this easily as she too plays it rough and fast at times in order to get a result. That said, she is a very different cat with a different approach to the morally-questionable political antics of Acevada. And she would never be like him, that's the point, that's her. Things seem to be going well, but with drug-lord Anthony Anderson wrapped up in dealings with Shane and his new junior partner Army (Michael Pena, Observe and Report), Vic trustingly invites them back into a new drug team at the Barn commissioned by Rawling. Before long, the ties that bind become very stretched and a tangled mess starts to grow, in which they are all involved.

Acevada's story continues from where it left off last season and is the other satisfying arc this season. He is understandably taken to another low-point and you just have to wonder what season five has in store for him. As opposed to Dutch's romance with Vic's ex-wife Corrine which was never given enough scenes to build up any weight and thus comes off a little silly.

This is a very strong season with a satisfying conclusion. But more than that, this is the first time I have been totally and completely on-board with the show. From the second or third episode of the season I was entranced and enthralled and this never let up until the end of the season. I cannot say that for the other seasons, although the second was fantastic. Perhaps, the weight of the characters and their stories have built up enough for me to just be along for it all and engrossed in the show. Not to detract from the season itself which was just well-constructed; the twisting and turning plotted carefully with the audience in mind, along with the dazzling acting performances all across the board.


1.78:1 Anamorphic Widescreen just like the others, and for the show's visual style it looks just as good as the other seasons.


Dolby 2.0 like the other seasons. A more involving 5.1 would be great but what we have here is very sufficient with no problems to note.


Special Features:

  • Audio commentary by the cast and crew on selected episodes
  • Never-before-seen deleted scenes
  • 'Under The Skin' behind-the-scenes documentary on the making of season four

Eight of the episodes have commentary and they feature a wide range of the cast and crew which should be very satisfying. There are about half an hours worth of deleted scenes which are a bonus if you're interested in an episode's sub-plot that may have been a little thinner than you would have liked. The hour-long documentary is the best extra any of these sets have had. The whole production of the season is discussed at length with a very broad range of the cast and crew.

4 single-sided dual-layer discs make up season four in a neat and minimal single DVD case like the other seasons. There are also English subtitles. This season clocks in at 593 minutes.

Yes, Dutch and Claudette got a little short-changed over the season, and some people believe it gave season four less focus on the other cast. But honestly, I didn't mind. A lot went on and I was excited to be along for the ride. A great season and a great example of one of the first successes in the now common cable channel move of grabbing big-name movie actors for single-season arcs in their dramas.

Saturday 3 April 2010

Friday Night Lights - The First Season - DVD Review

I'd been anticipating the Region 4 DVD release of the first season of Friday Night Lights for quite some time, due to the resumes of those involved and the glowing reviews from critics. I certainly wasn't disappointed. One introductory point I'd like to make which has never been a problem for me - but can be for many, is the show's premise - or what the show is about. This is not a football show. Firstly, a scripted prime time drama primarily about a sport isn't realistic or sustainable, so I'm not sure how people get these ideas into their heads. Obviously, the sport is going to be secondary to character or plot - and in the case of Friday Night Lights the fact is glaringly obvious, as the show is exceptionally character-driven, as opposed to plot-driven or even sport-driven.

Anyway, the series is helmed by Jason Katims who wrote for such shows as Roswell, My So-Called Life, Relativity, and the new ABC show Parenthood. This is important because the show continues the tradition of very personal shows that never get bogged down in plot - I can't really say that about Roswell - but that show has a complex behind-the-scenes story. The show was developed for television by Peter Berg who directed the feature film based on a book that this series is based on. The show maintains the hand held visual style and the beautiful, atmospheric guitar-driven music from Explosions in the Sky that the movie had. Although not scored by Explosions in the Sky, W.G. Snuffy Walden adapts their style of music for the show, fantastically.

Friday Night Lights is about life in small town America, and it takes an even-sided approach, looking carefully at the good and bad. The Texan town of Dillon, in which the show is set, is driven by high-school football. It connects the entire town and brings all of the characters together through a common interest. This is quite a beautiful thing and shows the great aspects of small town life. The show centers around Eric Taylor, (Kyle Chandler, Early Edition) his wife Tami, (Connie Britton, who also played the coach's wife in the Friday Night Lights feature film) and daughter Julie (Aimee Teegarden, 90210) who move to Dillon when Eric takes a head coaching job for the high school football team. They find out very quickly how seriously the town takes football when they go from love for the coach to hate as quickly as a final game buzzer. Among the other characters are boozing footballer Tim Riggins (Taylor Kitsch, The Covenant), star quarterback Jason Street (Scott Porter, Prom Night), cheerleader and boyfriend to star quarterback, Lyla Garrity (Minka Kelly), slut with little self-respect, Tyra Collette (Adrianne Palicki, Supernatural), and many more. My point is that these are all very stereotypical characters. However, the thing Friday Night Lights does amazingly, is add extra dimensions to these characters and allows them to grow and become layered. I can comfortably say that about every one of characters in the cast. The show uses some improvisation in scenes to enhance the show's realism as well as multiple cameras so the cast can freely develop scenes without extensive blocking. This was a very wise move by the producers as it gives the show a unique edge over a lot of what is currently on television. The scripted dialogue should also be mentioned as it is usually perfect. Whenever the show does take a rare misstep in plotting, the dialogue and performances still retain emotional truth and naturalism. It really is a testament to the show's cast and crew when such a huge aspect of the show never falters.

The strongest episodes of the first season are in the first half which is near-perfect. Later on in the season, as if the writers hadn't heavily outlined a full 22 episode season, some plot-lines are put on characters, as opposed to them growing organically from the characters. As I said, even when this is the case the show is still compelling and I really hope the rest of the series lives up to the greatness achieved in the first sixteen or so episodes. I'm not going to discuss the plot or any events that happen over the season just because the show is very light on plot and the wonderful moments on the show are the little things; the interactions, the small changes in character - so I'll leave you pure.


The Dolby 2.0 is clear and sounds great, however, I wish that 5.1 was used as is in the U.S. release.


The video is in 1:78:1 Anamorphic Widescreen and looks absolutely wonderful. I love the show's visual style and some may find the flat colours and grain annoying, but I think it adds to the shows huge emotional resonance along with the beautiful score and music.


There are no special features on this release which is a damn shame, considering the U.S. release did come with some. Oh well, let's hope for the season 2 release to step up and git'er done.

If you like cable drama or some of the great but few downbeat network dramas like My So-Called Life and Once and Again then please watch this show as enough people don't. Screw you NBC for ruining yet another one of your dramas and thank you DirecTV for picking the show up and giving it a second lease on life.

Thursday 1 April 2010

Breaking Bad - S03E01 - No Mas

This season opener 'No Mas' is a direct continuation from the last season, as opposed to a new beginning. New beginnings are certainly being suggested at, but they aren't here yet. This was an unusual - but by no means bad - plotting move, as cable dramas tend to wrap up a seasonal storyline and start anew, with some character threads running over as well as maybe a cliffhanger or two. The newly introduced plot that stands out this episode was delivered through the teaser - so characteristically it was packed with ambiguity. Similarly to last seasons 'pool and teddy bear' teasers, the sequence had a distinct visual style. In a yellowish tinge, two tough guys who look like twins ritualistically crawl all the way through a Mexican village up to a small temple. In the room contains a sketch of Walt wearing sunglasses and his awesome hat. What follows asserts them as definite contenders for big bad's this season. That said, I hardly think Gilligan would reveal everything so plainly without having an array of mind-fucks and plot-twists planned for the teasers following the opener. The obviousness of the scary Mexican brother-guy's coming after Walt to kill him just invites me to question it. Hey, maybe they're finding Walt to help him. Probably a stretch to make predictions with so little information - nonetheless, I'm excited to analyse the next teaser sequence and I found this one very unsettling.

I will be back next episode for a more in-depth review as things between Walt and Skylar should escalate and we can see where this season is taking Jesse.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

The Sarah Silverman Program - Season One - DVD Review

Sarah Silverman is offensive, crude, silly, and mean - but that's okay, 'cause after every hateful and bigoted thing that flies from her mouth follows an innocent smile. That's her comedy.

Comedy Central ordered 6 episodes for the first season of the outrageous comedienne's subversive take on the sitcom, The Sarah Silverman Program. Nobody thought it would survive for any longer than a season, due to the nature of Silverman's comedy and of course, it's Comedy Central. Yes, this is quite a short season, but almost all the episodes are fantastic. The show revolves around Silverman playing a fiction version of herself - ala Larry David. If I had to compare the show to another it would definitely be Curb Your Enthusiasm. The two shows aren't really all that similar, however, the set-up of a comedian playing a very distinct version of themselves in a very distinct comedy world is the big similarity. The differences are in their specific comedy styles. Silverman's character lives with and off her younger sister Laura (played by her real-life older sister Laura Silverman). The fact that Sarah makes herself the older sister in the sitcom tells you just the kind of character you can expect - an extremely self-centered child. Her and her sister are joined by Laura's cop boyfriend Office Jay McPherson (Jay Johnston, Mr. Show) and their two gay neighbors Brian (Brian Posehn, Mr. Show) and Steve (Steve Agee, who wrote for Jimmy Kimmel Live!). Over the course of the first season Sarah gets up to a lot of mischief including, getting messed up on cough syrup, taking in a homeless guy, getting AIDS, shitting her pants, and meeting God. Just to be clear, the show isn't at all driven by plot but by twisted and scatological situational humor. The show also plays with sitcom conventions or tropes like the best friends next door and the concluding, 'what have we learned' scene in which Sarah, before going to bed, tells her dog what lessons and morals she learned over the episode - you can probably guess this trope is always subverted to the extreme. Then there's the musical side to the show. Each episode features a number by Silverman that loosely relates to show. Among others there's a poop song and a song on what is wrong with the world.

Now I'll discuss why so many people find the show inaccessible or offensive. When Sarah makes an ignorant statement you can often see social commentary behind it and find it funny (eg. Wonder Showzen). However, the point to a lot of her humour is the awkwardness that comes from the inability to figure out what the joke is trying to say on a political level. One of my favourite gags from the first season is when Sarah wakes up and we see she set her alarm clock for 9:11. It's certainly not a comment on anything, it's hilarious because it's stupidly offensive, frivolous, and pointless.


The image is full frame and I really have no quality complaints.


The Stereo audio is fine, the musical numbers sound good, but there is an occasional bad mix of dialogue, however, that's sometimes the case with a lot of these low-budget Comedy Central shows.


Special Features:

  • Musical Performances
  • Sing-Along
  • Audio Commentary
The musical performances are from a live acoustic show with Sarah and occasional Laura making stupid songs about dumb things. The Sing-Along feature allows you to watch the musical scenes from the episodes with subtitles.

If you think it's up your alley then go ahead and buy it. If you have reservations but still want to check it out then maybe a rental would be wise. On a final note, it makes me happy to know there's a very original and funny female comedian doing her own thing and gaining a lot of recognition.

Sunday 21 March 2010

Skins - S04E07 - Effy

As we reach the end of an outstanding season of episodes I feel I should step in for a moment before the finale to discuss this very odd game-changer of an episode. For most of the duration I felt like writer Jamie Brittain and director Daniel O'Hara were screwing with me. We all know this episode has caught massive criticism, however, I think I can provide a slightly different rant. Hopefully a little more thoughtful and a little less 'internet'.

Spoilers ahead

I guess my reaction to the episode was mostly to do with expectation. The odd sense of foreboding. The psychotherapy scenes - Foster's methods immediately felt strange. The quirky teacher/adult trope that already felt old, extended to absurdity. The stylised scene where John Foster closes the door to his office. The last scene being shot completely like a genre film. Cooke's reference to Stephen King. Effy grappling with what is real and what isn't. I often read too far into these things and am left confused - as was the case here. The real story is quite simple. Apparently I wasn't being screwed with. Apparently Effy's psychotherapist is a violent and obsessed creep who brutally murders her boyfriend. Played completely straight - Footballer's Wives style. All credit where credit is due, though. When you create a fairly-realistic, existential world for your show, then go do something like this, it really gets people to pay attention and analyse. It's a similar thing when shows like The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Mad Men, or whatever, show extreme emotion or extreme violence. It really kicks you in the gut and makes you reflect on what you saw. And the show's earned it due to their gradual and ambiguous character-driven storytelling. I just thought that something even stranger was happening, e.g. Tony's (Stonem not Soprano) dream episode. Anyway, I love how the writers subverted their own quirky teacher/adult trope by actually making Foster a deranged lunatic. By then we knew the trope all too well and may have even been sick of it, but the subversion added to the shock-value. The American Psycho reference was fun too.

Now for the finale...

Thursday 18 February 2010

Supernatural - The Complete Second Season - DVD Review

I was looking forward to seeing the second season of Supernatural to find out which direction the show would be taken in after the intermittent excitement of the first season. The show really has a lot of potential and works on a higher level as well as being a little more serialised this time around.

The opener "In My Time of Dying" was an excellent start to the season and immediately dealt with the cliffhanger that closed the first. I was a little skeptical at first as, generally speaking, having characters in a car crash as an end of season cliffhanger is usually pretty lazy and simplistic. That's not to say that absurd cliffhangers aren't awesome... Can I get a high-five for Melrose? It was just something I didn't really expect from this show. Anyway, the episode was very eventful and set-up the season and the rest of the series while also retaining a lot of character nuance that makes the show so great. Almost a perfect season opener. The episodes following range from above average to good. Some of them help set-up the seasonal arc which has to do with the 'special children' like Sam who the Yellow-Eyed Demon 'wants'. This is purposefully vague to begin with and the story progresses and closes by the end of the season. I commend Kripke for wrapping a story up without dragging it on too long but it felt meandering even before the middle of the season. I don't think this particular story-arc of the season was balanced properly and there could have been much more progression earlier in the season rather than having the bulk of the story in the final two-parter. The finale was great but after all the incredible episodes from episode 12 Nightshifter to episode 20 What is and What Should Never Be, I wasn't that excited for the 'special children' story. The transition just felt a little jarring. However, this was one heck of a season and from Nightshifter onwards are the best episodes the show has produced. They range from intense character-study to horror to comedy to action and drama. It's just amazing stuff and make the season amazing regardless of any other minor flaws. There are some great guest stars during the season such as Linda Blair (The Exorcist) and Tricia Helfer (Battlestar Galactica). The comedic episodes too suggest a more self-reflexive show like Buffy and The X-Files were, and I'm sure as the show goes on there will be breather episodes that go even further than Hollywood Babylon.


I found the widescreen transfer to be very clean and the great visual style of the show intact and represented well. Not a single issue.


The Dolby 5.1 sounds flawless, everything is mixed properly and the source music is fantastic.


Special Features:

  • Unaired scenes
  • Commentary on 2 key episodes by series stars and creative team
  • The Devil's Road Map: Interactive U.S. map guide to urban legends and factoids pertaining to each episode
  • Jared's original screen test for the role of Sam
  • Gag reel
Four episodes have deleted scenes and the two commentaries are on great episodes. There aren't a load of special features, but of course, it could have been a lot worse and Jared's screen test and the interactive map are nice touches.

If your a fan and have already seen the first season then pick this up as soon as possible 'cause your in for a treat. If you haven't seen the show then go back and see the first season and know that it will be worth it because the show hasn't been canceled or jumped the shark. Especially if you are a fan of shows like Buffy and The X-Files as this seems to be heading in a similar direction - in a good way.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Caprica - S01E01 - Pilot

Caprica is a spin-off prequel to the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica that ran on the The Sci-Fi (SyFy) Channel for a miniseries, four seasons, and two TV movies. However, this is a different show - one that, in my view, will completely polarize the fan base.

So, the prequel takes place 58 years before the devastating beginning of Battlestar Galactica. The show centers around two families, the Graystone's and the Adama's. The patriarchs of the families come together after they share a family tragedy. Eric Stoltz (Once and Again) plays Daniel Graystone, the man responsible for developing the Cylons. He is working on an early model when family tragedy strikes and he then dives headfirst into developing his machine and exploring it's capabilities. Paula Malcomson (Deadwood, John from Cincinnati) plays his wife Amanda Greystone, incredibly well and gives huge depth and credibility to her character and the show. With weaker actors playing the parts of this couple, the show would be much less genuine. They're daughter Zoe is played well by Alessandra Torresani who will likely be a very prominent and key character in the series. On the other side of the tracks is Joseph Adama played by Esai Morales (NYPD Blue). The Adama's are the more lower-class of the two families and that dynamic always has a lot of potential - it creates a large scope. He and his son, William Adama, who we all know from Battlestar, also suffer great loss and it's with this that the two fathers find common ground. However, it seems that they're friendship is not long for this world... They have opposing views on the work that Graystone does, and also the setup is in motion to make them rivals, as is typically the case in big prime time soaps like Dallas, etc. Adama's brother is an enforcer for the mob which gives the series another aspect to explore. It will also bring some moral complexity to this family as the Graystone's have their technological advancements. Joseph Adama will probably be tasked with making very big decisions for his family. There is all sorts of potential for him to get in trouble with the mob or in too deep with them.

My initial thoughts on the pilot were very positive. I mean, this felt like a very mature show, or at least, has the potential to be. I know a lot of people will disagree with the sentiment, but please, look below the surface. Execution makes a show adult or mature, not subject matter or premise or setting. I just feel the show to be extremely character-driven and the driving force of the show so far has been a couple of families dealing with personal tragedy. I know Battlestar also had characters dealing with that off the bat too, however, there were immediate external problems that 'grounded' the character stuff. It's hard to make a large claim on the execution of a show after just a pilot, as the show hasn't yet settled into any rhythm or formula. But if I had to make an educated guess I would say it will run in the same way a prime time soap would - and trust me, that's not a bad thing.

If you're a fan of great drama and science-fiction then I advise that you check this one out. However, if you like your sci-fi nerdy and with a lot of special effects, then this is absolutely, definitely not for you.

Saturday 6 February 2010

The League of Gentlemen - The Entire First Series - DVD Review

The League of Gentlemen is a sketch comedy show based around a large group of sick and depraved characters who live in a town named Royston Vasey. Mark Gattis (Nighty Night), Steve Pemberton (Psychoville, Blackpool), Reece Shearsmith (Psychoville), and Jeremy Dyson who, unlike the others, just writes for the show and doesn't perform more than the occasional cameo. These guys are very talented performers and play the parts of just about every single role on the show. The costuming and make-up is amazing and the performers convincingly transform themselves into the hugely varying characters with ease.

The six episodes that make up the entire first series give us a great sketch-y comedy show that actually builds as it goes on. The set-up of the show is similar to a much weaker show Little Britain, in which characters go through the same situations each weak with a slight variation, and usually the same terrible catchphrase. The League turn this idea on it's head by being very creative in the way they recreate similar situations each week in very different ways and have a slow-build that enhances a subversive and even a cumulative dramatic effect of the show.


The widescreen video transfer isn't perfect, there is a little grain and some motion blur but it isn't overly noticeable and shouldn't put anyone off from the release.


The Dolby 2.0 audio on the other hand is excellent with the dialogue and music mix sounding clear and full.


Special Features:
  • Character biographies
  • Photo gallery
  • Cast and director commentary
  • Over 20 minutes of unseen material
The commentaries are fantastic, offering additional insight into the characters as well as discussing problems, changes, and the making of the show. The deleted scenes are better than most, probably due to some of them being cut by the network rather than left out because they were pointless or bland.

None of the characters are particularly likable, the situations are disturbing, there are tons of horror film references, and the show holds an overall nihilistic tone which may put some light or mainstream viewers off. However, if you enjoy dark or alternative comedy then I recommend the show. I've heard it gets even better.

Wednesday 27 January 2010

The Shield - The Complete Third Season - DVD Review

This third season is all about the aftermath of the Armenian money train, and of course, how Vic and the Strike Team continue to dig deeper holes for themselves. Honestly, this was probably the weakest season for me... It didn't take advantage of the extended season it procured (15 episodes instead of 13), and a lot of the storytelling was engaging on an immediate level but never following through in any gratifying way. No, The Shield is not a show that resets its characters at the start of every episode - but sometimes I feel like the procedural element of the show gets in the way of the huge potential for the character stories. This is a whine I seem to make about a lot of shows that don't live in the existential space that shows like The Sopranos and Mad Men do - so maybe just ignore it.

My main issue with the third season was Shane and his girlfriend. It was overblown and drawn out throughout the whole season and to make matters worse the writers probably realised this and tried to insert some plot in there. So we have her and Shane involved in the serious injury of the new guy on the strike team. Then, her mother shows up and tries to blackmail them. Neither of these plot-lines were given enough time to mature and develop, they just fell short and were generally unsatisfying. I wish the effect Shane having a girlfriend/partner would have on Vic was probed more deeply, instead of Vic simply making a catty and jealous comment every time it's called for.

Acevada had an interesting turn this season which, the arc is generated, didn't completely satisfy me - so I wait for season four in hopes that wasn't everything. I also feel the same about the controversial Dutch moment. However, that event was more of an afterthought than a game-changing plot-twist, as much as I would like it to be.

Overall, it was a good season, and my complaints with it were hard to pindown. Dutch's multi-episode hunt for a serial killer was great as well as his episodic stories with Claudia. I must also mention that I found Vic's domestic troubles this season a little dull, especially with the guy who is helping his autistic son. I feel like these scenes were rushed and there really weren't enough of them. A lot of these plots could have done with more detail - filled out better.


If you've seen previous seasons then you know that the show has a visual style that uses a lot of grain and 'bad' lighting that adds to the gritty and morally grey world the characters inhabit. The image is fine on DVD and I have no problems with it.


The Dolby 2.0 audio sounds tight and well-mixed. The source music tracks sound great and the dialogue is always audible. Yes, 5.1 would have been great, but considering it's limitations it sounds very good.


Special Features:
  • Audio commentary by select cast and crew on various episodes
  • Deleted scenes with optional commentary
  • Behind-the-scenes documentary on the making of the season finale
This release is consistent with the others that came before it - there is quite a bit here. Definitely no complaints, considering the current landscape for extras on TV on DVD releases.

If you've seen the previous seasons then I would definitely Recommend you check this one out, as the show makes some bold moves to bring on the next season. I just feel the show didn't gain anything from the extended season, where it could have. There is some fantastic acting here too, which is sometimes overlooked when discussing The Shield, outside of the notable film actors who take guest arcs on later seasons. Jay Karnes and CCH Pounder really shine as Dutch and Claudette this season.