The six episodes that make up the entire first series give us a great sketch-y comedy show that actually builds as it goes on. The set-up of the show is similar to a much weaker show Little Britain, in which characters go through the same situations each weak with a slight variation, and usually the same terrible catchphrase. The League turn this idea on it's head by being very creative in the way they recreate similar situations each week in very different ways and have a slow-build that enhances a subversive and even a cumulative dramatic effect of the show.
The commentaries are fantastic, offering additional insight into the characters as well as discussing problems, changes, and the making of the show. The deleted scenes are better than most, probably due to some of them being cut by the network rather than left out because they were pointless or bland.The widescreen video transfer isn't perfect, there is a little grain and some motion blur but it isn't overly noticeable and shouldn't put anyone off from the release.
The Dolby 2.0 audio on the other hand is excellent with the dialogue and music mix sounding clear and full.
Special Features:
- Character biographies
- Photo gallery
- Cast and director commentary
- Over 20 minutes of unseen material
None of the characters are particularly likable, the situations are disturbing, there are tons of horror film references, and the show holds an overall nihilistic tone which may put some light or mainstream viewers off. However, if you enjoy dark or alternative comedy then I recommend the show. I've heard it gets even better.
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